Pentru o livrare cat mai rapida va recomandam sa alegeti produse cu stoc in Magazin fizic si in Depozit Online. Produsele cu Stoc furnizor au termen de livrare mai mare si pot intarzia comanda dvs.
articole de pescuit Gama variata de produse

La Claumar Pescar poti alege simplu si rapid dintr-o gama variata de articole de pescuit.

transport gratuit Transport Gratuit

Comenzile peste 300 lei pot beneficia de transport gratuit.

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plata in rate Plata cu cardul

Plata cu cardul in rate fara dobanda.

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suport Suport 10-18

Suportul telefonic este 10-18. Orice intrebare ai avea, stim ca nu poate astepta. Apeleaza serviciul Suport 10-18! Un consultant asteapta sa iti preia apelul in intervalul orar 10-18 de luni pana vineri.

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returnare Returnare simplu in 14 zile

Retur simplu in 14 zile.

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Exclusiv online!

Cantar Digital Carp Expert

Livrare 24-48 ore


Afişare 1 - 1 din 1 (1 pagini)

Fie ca aveti nevoie de un cantar digital sau analogic in aceasta categorie veti gasi cu siguranta cantarul de care aveti nevoie.De obicei cantarele cantaresc pana la 40-60 kg dar exista si cantare cu ajutorul carora puteti cantari pana la 150 kg.Printre producatorii de cantare putem reaminti:

Cantare de la Fox, Cantare de la DAM, Cantare de la Delphin, Cantare de la Carp Spirit, Cantare de la Jaxon, Cantare de la Carp Zoom, Cantare de la Chub,Cantare de la Prologic,Cantare de la Spro,Cantare de la Rapala,Cantare de la Strategy etc

Queries: 16, Total time: 4.333 ms [By time] [By id] [By file]
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FROM `oc_session`
WHERE session_id = 'b044365444e44e6148e54d746b'
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FROM oc_platforma_promovari LIMIT 1
3 (0.108)
SELECT `trigger`, `action`
FROM oc_event
4 (0.143)
FROM oc_url_alias
WHERE keyword = 'carp-expert.html'
5 (0.385)
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LEFT JOIN oc_category_description cd ON (c.category_id = cd.category_id)
LEFT JOIN oc_category_to_store c2s ON (c.category_id = c2s.category_id)
WHERE c.parent_id = '170' AND cd.language_id = '2' AND c2s.store_id = '2' AND c.status = '1'
ORDER BY c.sort_order, LCASE(
6 (0.663)
FROM ( SELECT p.product_id, p.sort_order, p.quantity, p.manufacturer_id, if (SUM(if((f.filter_group = "m0" AND filter_id IN (27)), 1, 0)) > 0, 1, 0) AS match_filters
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7 (0.619)
SELECT p.product_id, p.sort_order, p.quantity, p.manufacturer_id, if (SUM(if((f.filter_group = "m0" AND filter_id IN (27)), 1, 0)) > 0, 1, 0) AS match_filters, pp.sort_order, pp.viewed, IF ((pp.quantity) > 0, 1, 0) AS array_quantity
FROM `oc_product` AS p
INNER JOIN `oc_product_to_store` AS p2s ON (p2s.product_id = p.product_id)
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INNER JOIN `oc_product` AS pp ON (pp.product_id = p.product_id)
WHERE p2s.store_id = '2' AND p2c.category_id = '170' AND p.manufacturer_id = '27' AND p.status_filtru > 0 AND p.price > 0 AND pd.language_id = '2' GROUP BY p.product_id HAVING match_filters = 1
ORDER BY array_quantity DESC, pp.sort_order ASC, pp.viewed DESC, DESC LIMIT 0, 20
8 (0.610)
SELECT a.attribute_group_id AS group_id, av.attribute_id AS attr_id, av.attribute_value_id AS val_id, AS attr_name, av.sort_order AS val_sort, av.value
FROM `oc_bf_product_attribute_value` AS af
FROM `oc_product` AS p
INNER JOIN `oc_product_to_category` AS p2c ON (p.product_id = p2c.product_id)
WHERE p2c.category_id = '170' AND p.manufacturer_id = '27') AS p ON (af.product_id = p.product_id)
INNER JOIN `oc_bf_attribute_value` AS av ON (af.attribute_value_id = av.attribute_value_id)
INNER JOIN `oc_attribute` AS a ON (a.attribute_id = av.attribute_id)
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ORDER BY a.sort_order,, av.sort_order, CAST(av.value AS UNSIGNED), av.value
9 (0.114)
SELECT MIN(actual_price) AS min, MAX(actual_price) AS max
FROM ( SELECT p.product_id, p.sort_order, p.quantity, p.manufacturer_id, if (SUM(if((f.filter_group = "m0" AND filter_id IN (27)), 1, 0)) > 0, 1, 0) AS match_filters
FROM `oc_product` AS p
INNER JOIN `oc_product_to_store` AS p2s ON (p2s.product_id = p.product_id)
INNER JOIN `oc_bf_filter` AS f ON (p.product_id = f.product_id)
INNER JOIN `oc_product_to_category` AS p2c ON (p.product_id = p2c.product_id)
WHERE p2s.store_id = '2' AND p2c.category_id = '170' AND p.manufacturer_id = '27' AND p.status_filtru > 0 AND p.price > 0 GROUP BY p.product_id HAVING match_filters = 1) AS p
10 (0.551)
SELECT COUNT(*) AS val, filter_group, filter_id
FROM ( SELECT p.product_id, p.sort_order, p.quantity, p.manufacturer_id, if (SUM(if((f.filter_group = "m0" AND filter_id IN (27)), 1, 0)) > 0, 1, 0) AS match_filters
FROM `oc_product` AS p
INNER JOIN `oc_product_to_store` AS p2s ON (p2s.product_id = p.product_id)
INNER JOIN `oc_bf_filter` AS f ON (p.product_id = f.product_id)
INNER JOIN `oc_product_to_category` AS p2c ON (p.product_id = p2c.product_id)
WHERE p2s.store_id = '2' AND p2c.category_id = '170' AND p.manufacturer_id = '27' AND p.status_filtru > 0 AND p.price > 0 GROUP BY p.product_id HAVING match_filters = 1) AS tp
INNER JOIN `oc_bf_filter` AS f ON (f.product_id = tp.product_id)
WHERE f.language_id = '2' AND tp.match_filters < 1 AND f.filter_group IN ('m0') GROUP BY filter_group, filter_id
11 (0.144)
SELECT COUNT(*) AS val, filter_group, filter_id
FROM ( SELECT p.product_id, p.sort_order, p.quantity, p.manufacturer_id, if (SUM(if((f.filter_group = "m0" AND filter_id IN (27)), 1, 0)) > 0, 1, 0) AS match_filters
FROM `oc_product` AS p
INNER JOIN `oc_product_to_store` AS p2s ON (p2s.product_id = p.product_id)
INNER JOIN `oc_bf_filter` AS f ON (p.product_id = f.product_id)
INNER JOIN `oc_product_to_category` AS p2c ON (p.product_id = p2c.product_id)
WHERE p2s.store_id = '2' AND p2c.category_id = '170' AND p.manufacturer_id = '27' AND p.status_filtru > 0 AND p.price > 0 GROUP BY p.product_id HAVING match_filters = 1) AS tp
INNER JOIN `oc_bf_filter` AS f ON (f.product_id = tp.product_id)
WHERE f.language_id = '2' AND tp.match_filters < 1 AND f.filter_group IN ('m0') GROUP BY filter_group, filter_id
12 (0.074)
FROM oc_platforma_promovari
13 (0.183)
FROM `oc_pb_bundles`
WHERE `products` != '' AND `status`= '1' AND type = '1' AND `date_available` <= NOW() AND `customer_type` = 0 AND `categories_show` LIKE '%"170"%' LIMIT 0, 1000
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15 (0.118)
FROM oc_platforma_promovari
16 (0.116)
FROM `oc_mxt_setting`
WHERE store_id = '2' AND name = 'lichidare_stoc'